Our system of justice allows the losing side at trial to prosecute an appeal. In state court, this appeal goes to one of fourteen courts of appeals throughout the state. If the case meets certain requirements and the Texas Supreme Court agrees, an additional appeal can be prosecuted at the Texas Supreme Court.
In federal court, cases filed in Texas are appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Most of the time appeals are completed at the Fifth Circuit. In rare cases, the United States Supreme Court will consider an appeal.
The attorneys at Brazil & Dunn have represented clients in appellate cases in most of the intermediate appellate courts in Texas. Brazil & Dunn has handled matters before the Texas Supreme Court. The firm has extensive experience at the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and has represented clients before the United States Supreme Court.
Successfully representing clients in appeals requires extensive research and drafting skills. Often, appeals are handled without an oral hearing. In other words, the parties submit extensive legal briefs which the court reviews to make its ruling. The structure and content of these briefs is critical to the resolution of the case. Having filed substantial and extensive briefs in the major appellate courts in the jurisdiction over Texas, Brazil & Dunn has the experience required.
Brazil & Dunn has extensive experience and has public notoriety for its successful representation of appellate matters regarding civil and voting rights. Cases Brazil & Dunn has handled resulted in court opinions that laid down important legal principles regarding civil rights and voting rights throughout the state. There are perhaps no more complicated areas of appellate proceedings than that of civil rights. The attorneys of Brazil & Dunn routinely use the experience they have gained in civil rights cases to get results for their business and personal clients.